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Wednesday, June 21 2023, one (1) of three (3) lecturers who have dedicated themselves at Surabaya State University, finally officially attained the Functional Position of Professor (Professor). His name is Prof. Dr. Yuliani, M.Si, a Lecturer, Educ
One of the biology education study program students on behalf of "Elsa" received an invitation directly from the Ministry of Education and Culture to represent Indonesian students for their gold and bronze medal achievements at the 2021 National P
Friday, 12 May 2023, Student of Biology FMIPA Surabaya State University, have implemented lectures obtained from the "Entrepreneurship" course with entrepreneurs
On Friday, December 23 2022, the title of Professor in the field of of Microbiology (Virology) to Prof. Dr. Mahanani Tri Asri, M.Sc. at the Lidah Wetan UNESA Re
Wednesday, November 9, 2022 morning is the moment that the 105 judiciary have been waiting for because in this procession is a sign that they have successfully completed thei